Engaged 4 Success

A Digital Solution For Student Success


Engaged 4 Success (E4S) is a system designed to assist at-risk students to be more successful in the classroom. E4S is built around a success network for each student while they are enrolled at the institution. The system alerts the success network when a concern is raised by a faculty member helping those in the success network to be proactive and engage the student.

Designing and engineering the system in house saved the institution almost $50,000 per year.


  • Integration with the institution’s ERP.
  • Create concerns for students.
  • Add public, advising and private notes to student records.
  • Attach files such as learning plans and student learning outcomes.
  • Kudos for students can be given by any staff or faculty member.
  • Faculty can take attendance on their mobile device while in class.
  • Automated (and elevated) concerns are raised; such as when a student has 3 or more concerns.
  • Quickly search for students in your success network.
  • Custom templates created by students to set the tone for how faculty engage their students.
  • Access to student documents stored in the institution’s digital filing system.
  • Detailed student information.


This document details the process from discovery to delivery.

  • Research
  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Validation
  • Delivery

See the Application in Action

Launch Video